Hola. Missed me anyone?! The last time I wrote a post was way back in May - 2011. Shame on me. Erm.....sounds a bit harsh that doesn't it - calling myself 'shameful' for not writing on my own blog! Need to get a grip me thinks, and as the hubby keeps telling me 'stop being too hard on yourself'! Right - where do I pick up where I left off as there have been sooo many changes in so little time - anyway, and in a nutshell - I turned 40 and left my job after nearly 24 years....but realistically (and just realised while writing it) this was so last year which officially makes me nearly 41 and ..............(drum roll) UNEM-FUKG-PLOYED!!!
The birthday bit
I just mentally scolded myself then when I had flashbacks of my 40th celebrations and realised all the fab fun and laughs I had but didn't bother to tell you about - shame really, cos there were a few tales to tell - but it just doesn't seem the same sharing them all now so I'll not bother, except to say that I had an absolute ball - received the most lovely cards and pressies, had a fabulous and emotional day surrounded by family and friends, an even better 'chinese take away night' (planned meal in posh place had to be cancelled due to the stupid-but-bloody-SCARY rioting that took over even stupider Britain for a few days) followed by a next day overnight stay in a local spa which involved the following: lunch, (with 1 drink) glorious massages and being covered mud, (nil drinks) pre dinner drinks (aye!) followed by a lovely 3 course meal (with more drinks), and then an unplanned, unexpected (and totally unacceptable?!!) episode of wedding crashing where neither the bride, groom or ANY of their party guests managed to spot the intruders! (and I've even have got the pics to prove it - my friend D arm in arm with the bride doin the hokey cokey - for real !) Needless to say we woke the next morning surrounded by (more) empty drink bottles, quaver crumbs, and I think I had a bruise or 2 from the childish play wrestling we apparently done! Ha - I'm smiling now just thinking of it all - loved every minute of it and wont be forgetting it anytime soon. I even came away with a new slogan for myself - "I'm 40, I'm naughty, What ya gonna do about it" (apparently repeated over and over again and with a cockney twang!!!)
The job bit
So yeah - after nearly 24 years (well, 23 and 10 months as they nicely put it) I finally took the plunge and left my job. Loads of things were going on - "possible" takeovers and "possible" redundancies - in fact everything always a "possibility" (in short - same O same O or as it goes - same shit, different day). Anyway, regardless of all this I just decided it was MY time to jump (the "possible"!) sinking ship and finally free myself from a job I found neither satisfying nor rewarding. I wont pretend it came easy - the decision to go - but can honestly say it was the most liberating move I've ever made job wise (not that I've made many - hence the 23 plus years). I can't even say I had a plan of what to do after leaving or which career path I wanted to take - all I knew is that I wanted to be FREE from the 'establishment' (an ailing, overrated and shitty local city council to me an u!) - and free to explore new things and maybe, hopefully, No - DEFINITELY (positive thinkin an all that) do something with my life job wise that I could actually enjoy and feel passionate about. So far though on this subject - I'm still just enjoying the little 'rest' I promised myself - but watch this space!
Hope everyone had a good xmas and even better NY. Keeping this a short one as only wanted to get my foot back onto a rung of the writing ladder I left dangling all those months ago. Feel a bit better already as (and as mentioned before) I've been having a go at myself for not keeping up with my blog - something I DO find interesting and DO feel passionate about.
Oh well....if anyone's happened to notice I went off radar for a while, panicked that they wouldn't be getting their fix of my fab (!) writing or felt pissed off that I haven't been reporting back - do leave a comment. As for apologies - I'm not giving any. Simply cos....
........ I'm 40, I'm Naughty.....What ya gonna do about it?!!