Saturday, 25 September 2010

HH Days & Birthdays!

It's my little boy's 5th birthday today!. (Happy Birthday baby!) I also have my monthly friend visiting for a few days (!?) So today.............I am Happy & Hormonal!! 

Yes -H & H! You read it right - and you're probably thinking "Wot? "Happy AND Hormonal? Nah. Not possible. How can you be HAPPY if your HORMONAL?!. Duh - Liar"  
Well - you CAN. Being hormonal doesn't ALWAYS mean feeling down or crappy or wotnot. Sometimes you can feel overly emotional or subdued but in a nice kind of  'dont-mind-feeling-like-this' way. In fact, for the first month out of many - I feel and look GREAT!  (My mojo's back! - and I'm on a P as well! Not bad eh!). Normally at this time of the month I'd be really feeling it. The IT I'm talking about is the whole shebang. The feeling like crap and looking like crap, the pains, sore boobs and and in general, just wanting to sleep for a day or 2 and wake up to find above mentioned 'friend' has left me a note; 'Been and now gone. Thanks again for letting me stay...see you again in 4 weeks'.  Its ironic - It's only since giving birth to my son did I enter Hormoneville. At first I hated it.
 All those little fiends (as I call them) running around as if they owned the place (the 'place' I'm referring to is MY body!) and sending me into a state of total confusion and suddenly wondering what the hell  all these 'things' were that I'd never experienced before?!  Now - I'm not THAT gullible where I expected to be just as I was prior to my pregnancy, and I DO know that after having a baby things DO change, both brain-wise AND body wise BUT I did not expect - at all - what DID happen! Whilst I took to motherhood like a duck out of water,  (I honestly DID) and had never felt happier or joyous - the physical changes were a nightmare (enter Hormoneville!) If you're familiar with some previous posts of mine, you ll know what 'nightmares' Im talking of.  Anyway - here we are, 5 years down the line since it all began. Ive got a  fantastic little boy, and Ive also become accustomed to the new territory I was thrown into. Its not at all bad now because over the years, and along the way, what I've learned is that hormones are just that - hormones - and they're nothing to be afraid of.  I wont lie - its taken a lot of energy and effort. I remember one particular night (THAT night) lying awake in bed wide eyed and looking at the ceiling and feeling scared because I FELT scared (heard that anyone? having a fear of fear itself? - that's mine). It wasn't any one thing in particular - just everything and all the physical (some emotional) symptoms I seemed stuck with. Anyway, the next morning, and after swearing Id never allow anything to get a grip of me like that again,  I set out on a mission!"  My first plan was to 'self help' as much as possible (I'd already tried medication - didn't like it) and find out how I could re-balance the 'un-balanced' (not ME - the hormones!) So, and with a list of questions, I did loads of research, and there began my journey - I met Aggy (again, see previous posts), found a fab homeopath, and learned to just 'go with the flow' as opposed to the letting the flow go over me!

So....things HAVE gotten better. It's taken time, 'help' and loads of hope, but I think my H's are starting to sit a bit straighter on the scales these days.  As i was saying earlier - this all started when I had my son (and 5 yrs ago today!)  - so without one, I wouldn't have the other, right? My little boy is THE best thing ever to happen to me, so if me going through all that hormone hell was the flip side for having him, then so be it. I'd do it all over again - without question.

So, I'm Happy AND Hormonal! I'm celebrating the birth of my son! So - Happy Birthday to my favourite boy! I love You! And also, to those little ((hormone) fiends who came along with him - Happy Birthday...SUCKERS! 


1 comment:

Meg1 said...

I HEART this post! Lovely Blog. X