WTF! Lying in bed last night and struggling to get comfy cos my left boob was throbbing - It dawned on me - when I'm due on my P or hormonal everything happens on the LEFT side of my body. Now, I'm not joking. Seriously. Sore LEFT boob, LEFT side of gum throbs, headache always on the LEFT, zits appear on the LEFT side of chin, and as I'm sat here now typing this, my neck is aching...yeah, you guessed it..on the LEFT. I wonder what these little hormone fiends find so appealing about the LEFT side of my body then? The little fookers seem to build camp in the same place and as I've now discovered - same side every couple of weeks. Did no-one ever think to tell them - a change of scenery is a good thing. Why don't they do me a little favour and try pitching tents over the RIGHT side for a change? Give the other side a break? Huh?! My body is now, officially, a campsite for hundreds of these little blighters. They turn up unwanted (but always expected) don their big boots and start marching all over me for 3 weeks out of 4. It's not surprising I feel downright shitty at times. Who wouldn't - being trampled on internally and messed with emotionally. Anyway..rant over. So yeah, it's all going off big time on my LEFT. But...and as always, I'll manage them. Yeah - I'M the boss of ME, and nobody or nothing - especially little ole hormone thingys won't be ruling MY body or mind. I may not have won the war, but I'm sure as hell calling the shots. On a positive note - The only thing that's NOT left so far is the hubby.
Great blog , something I've been looking into a lot of late. You definately sit there nodding to yourself thinking Yep ! That's me , will definately be meeting Aggy x
Great Blog - Really enjoyed the read and just what's needed for us women out there. Even the other half chuckled at it. Will be coming back!
Great blog....think it's probably struck a nerve with lots of woman. Will be looking into getting some Aggy. Keep up the good work x
Fantastic Blog............
Just what us WOMAN NEED!! I too have been getting hormonal lately, THE LEFT BOOB THROBBING ... Took pain killers and its eased off so fingers crossed it stays that way. Nothing a cup of Mint Tea and Fresh linen wont sort out!
Im off to bed x
Love your Blog xx
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