Tuesday 21 December 2010

What's HER Secret?!

Have you ever read something, or heard somebody say something that really struck a chord with you? Last night when watching the finale of ANTM (that's America's Next Top Model for those of you who are wondering) it was something Raina said (Yes, I know their names, and No I'm not an ANTM obsessive - I just happened to follow Cycle 14 (!) and managed to see every episode this time around (Dontcha just love Sky+). Anyway - back to Raina. Without turning into an ANTM geek, and going into all detail I'll just cut to the chase and tell it how it was. There were 2 of them left - R and Krista. Both were to 'stomp to the death' and one of them would be crowned ANTM. Before the walk off, they showed clips of both girls commenting on different things, Krista remarked something about how Raina was always just so happy and cheery, blah, blah, (can't remember word for word, but it was along those lines anyway) Then Raina spoke - and there IT was:

"Sometimes I think she (K) doesn't like me cos I'm a really happy, positive person. I always try and change everything that's negative into a positive and I think sometimes that pisses people off"

WOW. I rewound it about 3 times just to absorb exactly what she said. "It. Pisses. People. Off." She weren't kidding! All of a sudden I felt like the most pissed off, miserable negative person on the  goddamn planet - and at Christmas time as well. No, I weren't having that. HOW? HOW can somebody be SO positive ALL of the time..and even change a negative into a positive EVERY time? I was jealous of this girl - and whatever she was on, I wanted some of it. Last night. Now.

How frickin fabulous it must be to be able to do that. Feel happy all of the time and then whenever something (or everything as R said) crappy is thrown at ya, it  lands sunny side up?  I see myself as happy. I certainly have all reason to be anyway. I have a fantastic hubby, beautiful son, lovely home, steady (but not-so-exciting) job, a loving family, great friends, etc, etc......but there are certainly - no - DEFINITELY times when regardless of how happy I may be, something negative lands in my lap, and it sure as hell doesn't turn sunny side up as quick as I'd like it to (or as quick as our girl Raina proclaims hers does!!) I'm sure I speak for loads of us women out there when I say this.....sometimes things happen in life that, unfortunately, create  negative vibes. It could be one of many things: a specific situation or something that's happened, or simply just a 'feeling' - one of those days when you just don't feel full of the joys of spring and for no reason at all(definitely a Hormoneville day) I learnt a good while ago actually, how to change the way I think and feel - I read the book 'The Secret' (anyone?) I must say, one of the best books I've ever read and I swear it DID change my life for a good few weeks (then I got my period and all hell broke loose!!!) No, joking aside - this book really is great. My sisters will vouch for that too. It focuses on how we think and feel and how our thoughts and feelings affect the 'law of attraction'. A little example -  when a negative thought or situation arises, not to dwell on it, and to turn it around into a positive thought, and in turn the situation will present itself in a more positive light, and in turn (!) will attract more of the same - positive thoughts and positive situations! (and everyones a winner!?!) Sounds complicated, but when you read it it really does make sense.

As I mentioned  - I applied this to my own life and boy did it work. I actually enjoyed the satisfaction I felt when each time anything negative arose, I controlled the way I felt and thought about whatever arose and in turn things automatically appeared brighter and were not as bad as they had originally presented themselves - and I swear - the domino effect was unreal - good thoughts and actions attracted only more of the same. This continued right up until I had my P - I remember the time like it was yesterday, as I was on such a roll, having found this new 'discovery' and becoming master of my own thoughts and feelings, then I had a bad hormonal week and fiends took over and (I'll tell no lie here) all principles of  'The Secret' went right out the window!!! I'm actually laughing writing this as i remember being on such a high and telling anyone and everyone who would listen all about this book I'd found (I even bought a few people a copy)  and how it WOULD work for them and they WOULD feel such positivity. I was like this unstoppable preacher - going around proclaiming the secrets of  'The Secret' and then just-like-that being brought back down to earth with a big bump and a messy menstrual mind! (much to the amusement of the hubby) But anyway - I still stand by this book (and what I say) and I DO still apply it to my life when I remember - which is most of the time - BUT - and as Raina clearly brought home to me last night - NOT ENOUGH!

So........my Christmas gift to myself (and in the words of Raina again) is this: I am, from NOW, going to be a really happy, positive person and I will always try (I'll try Lord, I'll try!!) and change everything that's negative into a positive (and if this is gonna sometimes piss people off then.....? .......so be it!)

If any of you are looking for a little Xmas gift for yourselves - go buy 'The Secret'. You will thank yourself for it. Oh, and whilst I still remember - Raina did NOT become ANTM. Krista did. Yeah, it sucked. BUT guess what. Did she cry or moan about it? Did she hell! Our girl smiled. Smiled a great big smile and brimming with positivity said how she refused to feel negative about it and how happy she was to have gotten that far in the first place and that this was "just the beginning". (WTF?! Attagirl! Just how does she do it? Pissed off anyone!?!)

Merry Christmas anyway!



Anonymous said...

I am a big believer of The Secret.....Me too Im a better person Mentally and Pyhsically .....As from this week I am going to apply the same attitude as yourself with a Big Fat Smile .

Love Your Blog So Much

Anonymous said...

I too believe in the secret and i also believe in your blog,gives us ladies some me time to take a little time out and read sumthin that is so true and the understanding we all go through the same from troubles to the most happy of times.It how we all deal with individually as woman,but when it comes to it we all wanna be happy and content,and maybe turning negativity into positivity is the way to go.xx

J X said...

Thanks for your comments....so happy some women out there can identify with things I feel and go through - whether good, bad, or...ugly! As fab as it is being one of the female species (?!) there are times when you just wonder WTF....and also WOW...cos we go through what we do, physically and emotionally.......and somehow manage to stay sane! - well most of the time anyway! Again, thanks for reading. Been a slow start the the New Year for me...but ill be bouncing back and with more posts that I hope you enjoy reading! J X