Monday 14 February 2011

Invincible Moi

Valentines Day. Huh. If you're anything like me, then you don't believe all the hype.  Okay, I admit - I bought hubby a card, he bought me, I also bought my little boy a card, he bought me (aww) I also got some fab Jo Malone body creme and chocolate 'love bugs' (the creme- I'm EVER so grateful, the bugs - equally so, BUT why hubby went and spent his hard earned cash on pressies for me for VD - I'll never know!!!)

Anyway, I'm not here to harp on about VD - leave that to the youngsters. I thought us women could do with a bit of 'biggin up' today, and a little reminding, that we don't need any such occasions like today for it to be confirmed that we are loved - whether that be by another person, (hubby, partner, lover - or even kids and family) - the only thing we need to remind ourselves is that there is only one person we really need to ensure that we are loved by, and that, my friends, is US - OURSELVES.

For any of you out there not feeling IT at the moment, give your head a little wobble and remind yourself just how GREAT you are - and LOVE YOURSELF.  We are all so different, and we all have so very different stories to tell, but the one fact remains - we are all WOMEN.

Below is a little something for all of ya! I made a mental note just the other night when watching the movie again, that I must put this on my blog - we all need a little pick me up sometimes to remind us just what we are. This was mine - hope it's yours!

Happy VD to all of you - myself included! (My heads been wobbled - so I'm now off to wash it and to put on a nice dress!).


Wednesday 9 February 2011

"L'amato" - ('Loved it' in Italiano!) - AND I STILL DO!

This is a re-post. Reason  being - I watched EPL again last night, and Ohhhhhh - I STILL love it. Everything I thought and felt the first time around, I still think and feel now! In fact - even more so. It has just reminded me just how much I want to change in my life with regard to seeing the world and being marvelled! Im rather annoyed with myself that im still in a situation i voewd to get out of after seeing the movie many months ago now. Me and myself need to have a serious chat I think...and come up with a plan. THE plan. Shall also have a chat with the hubby too I think, as he shares my zest for life and everything else we said we wanted to change in our lives (crappy jobs and whatnot!)What is life if we dont take risks? Especially when we feel we need to. Anyway.......that's for me to I will just leave you with the below! Happy Reading.

If you haven't yet been to see' Eat, Pray, Love' then more the fool you. I'm Kidding of course, but No -seriously -