Wednesday 24 November 2010

Ho,Ho,Ho, Ho-rmonal (not me)!!!

Greetings Girls.  Here's a little pre-Xmas laugh for all those of you who care to read! If you're hormonal - my Xmas present to you is this advice - DON'T GO XMAS SHOPPING !!! I am lucky (!) as this time around I am not yet mid cycle, therefore I'm having a bit of peace from any fiends (until next week maybe, but what the hell - that's then, this is now, so I'll skip over that bridge when I come to it!) Anyways, I went Christmas shopping for an hour today and before I had to go and pick up my son from school. I had a little plan - a few shops and a few things and I would stick to my list and with no diversions. Did I? YES  I DID !!! Wahey!. No fiends were biting at my ass today. No baby!! Not me, nor mine! I had a little laugh (Okay, a laugh at the expense of others - a little selfish I know, but what the hell - sure makes a change for ME to feel 'free' as opposed to a day out in Hormoneville!) I was looking around (whilst in the Q to pay for my shiny new purchases of course) at the many women in the shop, who just like me, were doing their bit for Christmas - and I had a thought.........I thought 'I betcha - JUST BETCHA, a few of them were feeling the hormone pinch!!'  You know THAT feeling when you're shopping and just NOT 'feeling' it (cos your hormonal !!!) ......and your thoughts are all over the place, and your thinking "Right, I could get so and so a pair pf these pj's .....hmmmmm .... she's a small right? A small or a medium? Or is she a large - she did seem a bit fatter/thinner last time I saw her? Would she like the pink? ooohhh..errm..or maybe the blue? Oh for gods sake F*** this, I'll come back another time when I'm in the mood!!!" 

I must have spotted at least 2 or 3 women who walked around with an armful of goods and the intention to buy - only to slam them down onto the nearest rack and flee the shop! and as I said before - I just betcha they were being bitten on the ass by a fiend!

I know I sound smug - and so what. I make no apology! I remember last Christmas, being in town at nearly 8pm, and after a whole day at work, and  looking for last minute presents - and me - unluckily enough being slap bang in the middle of my P - it was NOT a good time. The shops were hot. Oven hot (could have just been me though!?). I was tired. I was drained. People were a-pushing and a-shoving like there was no tomorrow (Cmon?! it was only xmas!), I had no patience, felt myself feeling absolutely stifled and suddenly owning a potty mouth (think all the F's and B's) every time someone bumped into me or tried to jump the Q. And ...if i remember clearly,  I felt as though my lower body was gonna drop off. Was not nice - nor any need.  But I guess that's Christmas shopping for ya - but ten times worse when on a P or being hounded by fiends.

So, my advice stays the same - IF your on a P and having a bad time of it - stay at home (or work) and do your shopping another time. Do it online if needs must. Or give money instead (!) You will thank yourself for it. As for me - me thinks I shall carry on whilst the goings good, and get to the end of my list before the little suckers come disguised as santa's helpers.


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