Thursday 7 October 2010

Damn you Donny!

"And they called it Puppy Looovveee"' - No! Ive not bought a new puppy, and wont be anytime soon neither. It's the song that's playing on my very own 'head record player' today! Now, I'm NOT a crazy woman at all, nor am I going crazy when I say I have songs in my head - every now and again and depending on the weather in Hormoneville (yeah!) a certain song will pop up in my head and the same old song will play on and on and on.............I mean sometimes its not so bad...some songs you don't mind singing along to (I particularly don't mind this when doing the hoovering (!) ) but other times, and more often than not, it all gets a bit much and as I already told you in previous posts - I wanna 'rip up the stupid lyrics and smash the damn record player' - has been one of those days!

Today is Day 14 of my cycle - spot on.  (in another 14 my 'friend' will be visiting again - what's new) There's always something going down in Hormoneville mid-cycle. Always. Last month is was the 'left sided' face zits, this month its the songs. I must say though, it's been a good few months since any sort of disco inferno exploded in my head - At first, and quite a few years ago now, it was bad. Capital B. Not being too familiar with Hormoneville back then, I just put it down to the over excitement of a new baby coupled with 'happy-adrenaline' and probable over-tiredness - it was only after a good while, and when it became TOO much, that I started really getting fed up and wondering what the hell was going on - cue my long journey of  investigation and GP appointment's followed by sure-fire self help and eventually homeopathy. It turns out it was "all to do with the hormone imbalance" - nothing more, nothing less - JUST HORMONES. At first, and now I'm thinking back on it - it was funny. Oh, the songs! I could write a playlist of all the songs that would continuously be in my head....some good, some bad...others ...just NO NEED (think 'Polly put the Kettle On' - Seriously) I even had a 'country week'! A full week of (my fave) country songs.............'Jolene' and 'Sin Wagon'.....and the rest of them.....ALLLLLLL day...........until....(and as much as I adore Dolly & the Dixie Chicks) I wanted to burn Nashville down!. I remember at one time telling the doctor this and she was in hysterics giggling and said "Ohhh, you are funny and do make me laugh" (Huh? Yeah? Well YOU try it see if it's funny then!!!!)  Anyway..back to where I was......yeah...its eased loads over time, and if I'm lucky, it only occurs every now and again (like this month!) and sometimes, on occasion, if I'm stressed. You can the imagine huffing and puffing from me today though when i realised that it was gonna be one of those days - except I don't get to choose the song - the song chooses me - Enter Donny and his 'Puppy Love'. Now.....I know Donny's anthem isn't exactly anything to wanna get up and dance to, but it could be worse - right?  (I actually love the song - I used to sing it to my nephew - much to his giggly annoyance, rolling of his choccy-button-eyes and pleads of 'Nooooooo') So, for today I'll surrender and hum along (I've had a glass of good red - and it doesn't seem THAT bad after all !) and hope tomorrow is a 'quiet' day (until the next time perhaps and a new tune!) my gorgeous choccy-button eyed nephew - this one's for you!


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