Saturday 30 October 2010

Love Thy Sister!

When you were younger did you ever get called  a 'Witch'? I did! It usually came from one of my 2 sisters during an argument - "YOU - you little witch you" or "You horrible, HORRIBLE evil little Witch"!  Ha - I'm laughing as I'm typing this - I can actually picture it like it was only yesterday and we were all kids again. Oh, how I miss those days. My sisters and, and as sisters do, we'd squabble and fight over the usual stuff  - whether it be toys or dolls, then later, shoes and clothes - but back then it was all so innocent and carefree and we were probably too young to even know the meaning of half the things we said, never mind the name calling we came up with! I often think back to those days when me and my sis's were all under the same roof and without a care in the world and sometimes I really want to 'go back' - even if just for a day and also even if it meant getting called all the 'Witches' in the world! But anyway - and as the story goes - life moves on, and with it - so do we. I only came to thinking about this 'Witch' business the other day - and not because it's Halloween, (!) but because I had a row with the middle sis and I called her all the witches going - (and most of them starting with F!!) It turns out that I was hormonal (ish) and she was hormonal, so right away a double H whammy - whoah....not good!  Anyway, I wont go on about it cos it's gone now and as always, all forgotten about. Diddums. Water under the bridge. Whatever.
What I'm trying to say here is - how mad it is, that when we get to adulthood - well, womanhood, in our case - how things are so different. Gone are those 'carefree' days. We now have our own lives and children, 1001 other responsibilities, and the occasional stress and worries. We're now fully aware of things, have our own thoughts and opinions and when we argue or 'name call' we know the meaning of the words we throw out - even if we don't mean them at the time (which is nearly always the case - Right?). Then it doesn't help that we also have THOSE days. Yes - those monthly trips to Hormoneville. I bet that there isn't a woman out there who hasn't, at some point in her life (and probably loads) blamed a 'really bad day' on Hormones. This is the kind of day I mean:
everyone's getting on your nerves (and for no reason), your patience is non existent (and for no need), nothing just seems to be going right, and as hard as you try to curb that temper, there's still a hint of smoke coming out your nose. That inner 'Little Witch' has come out and you've just 'lost it'! - Completely. Then after a certain amount of time (were all different - but mine doesn't last long at all) we take a deep breath and think "F ! What was all that was about? What's everyone's problem?!"  (and still not thinking it had ANYTHING to do with us!!!) We've all done it - me included.

I think to let off a bit of hot air at times is a woman's prerogative - Yeah, and so says me!  (I think Shania said the same thing too) There's no harm at all in having such a day as the one mentioned above - as long as you don't go too 'totally crazy' (although Shania said we should!) or hurt anyone (I've never lashed out or really really 'lost it' - mine's more where I get frazzled and a bit agitated and might say a few stupid things - but it's never that bad, nor does it ever last that long!) It's not surprising though is it, that when we get thrown into Hormoneville and our bodies get invaded by all those little fiends - something inside us reaches boiling point and our inner witches come out to play!  We can't help it.  Fact (!)

If your lucky enough (!) to be Hormonal this Halloween and find that little Witch inside you rearing her damn scary head - just go with the flow but try and be a GOOD one!

Oh, and just for argument's sake - the pic at the top - I'm the one in the middle!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hhahahahhah Absolutely Love it!! Going right now where to ..................
Video shop to collect HOCUS POCUS !!!

Then possibly slip into something dark and let that freakin inner witch out..........x